Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Everyday I'm TEFLin' - Week 2

I went into the second week of the course brimmed with confidence.  I've taught before, this is going to be a piece of cake!  Which is perhaps why I fell the hardest out of anyone.  I had done hardly any work on my lesson plan by Monday morning.  I had an idea of what I wanted to teach, but in this program, we were expected to follow a very stringent teaching structure.  I somehow assumed I would be a natural and didn't start worrying about it until Monday afternoon…which is when a brown, paper bag would have come in handy.  I prepared my lesson plan which I knew was pretty weak, but hey, I had to show up with something.  I got to the classroom early and my observer, Emori, walked in, and asked how I was doing.  I burst into tears.  I couldn't get a hold of myself for about an hour and a half…basically until it was my turn to teach.  It actually didn't go too badly, but it was nice to get it over with. That night I went to the potraviny on my block.  A "potraviny" is a small convenience shop that you can find on every block in Prague.  I picked up some candy and chocolate, and on my way back I saw this:

YES.  A puma.  On a leash.  Sitting outside a bar.  (Bars are also on every corner).  I didn't have my camera on me so I ran back to my apartment and grabbed it.  Luckily it was still there!  I didn't feel too much like a creeper taking a picture, because everyone else was taking pictures, too.

The rest of the week passed in a kind of blur, as stressful times tend to do.  Wake up. Lesson-plan.  School.  Lesson-plan.  Quick lunch.  School.  Lesson-plan.  Teach.  Homework and lesson-plan.  

A break came in the form of a bike ride on Saturday.  The school organized this bike ride to a little town outside of Prague called Karlstejn.  I don't typically enjoy bike rides, but I didn't remember that until I showed up.  Turned out ok, though, even fun!  It was great to get away from classes and teaching.  We rode along the river, and there were beautiful views of hills and farms covered in autumn leaves.  We stopped along the way to grab a snack at a bakery, but the bakery was too full for our group, so we went across the street to a pub.  It was like stepping into an old movie, with old men smoking and drinking at 11:00 AM.  Most people ordered coffee.  I opted to run back to the bakery and get a treat :)

The crew is ready to ride

Our indy band cover

Nom nom nom

 Karlstejn was quaint and charming.  We grabbed lunch, and while we were eating, we saw a camel across the river!  I didn't get a picture, but it was pretty cool.  We walked up the hill to the castle, but decided not to pay $8 to actually go in.  We took some fun pictures, though!  We explored the town a bit, ate crepes, and took the train back to Prague.

My new boyfriend <3

Photo bomb by Hannah

Jasmine was tuckered out.

Everyday I'm TEFLin': Week 1

Ah, I'm back in America!!  Everyone speaks English, free water, huge gaps in the bathroom stalls.  And of course, being in Atlanta, the constant scent of fried chicken.  I'm sorry I never wrote while in Prague!  People said the TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) course was intense, but nothing could have prepared me for it!  So get ready for an update of the last 4 weeks.

I showed up in Prague and there was some confusion about where I was staying, but we figured it out eventually.  I signed up for the orientation program, mostly to get to know my classmates.  We visited the Prague castle and cathedral and then we went to this cool old bar from 980 AD...or somewhere around there :D  There were skulls all over the walls, plus entertainment!

The first week of class was fairly easy and uneventful.  The school is a 10-minute walk from Old Town Square and across the street from 2 big malls.  Some girls and I found a great restaurant at the top of one of the malls with my favorite view of Prague.   

View from restaurant
Friday I found an acro yoga class!  The September TEFL class took us around Prague and we saw the light festival that was happening that weekend.  Saturday I explored Prague with some of my classmates.  We went to a flea market, walked through a pretty park, and found a hauntingly beautiful graveyard.  The graves were so old the ground was caving down around them and ivy covered most of the headstones.  

Sunday I went to church and relaxed.  Around 7:00 PM I was too bored to stay inside so I took a walk
towards Old Town Square.  While I was walking, I noticed a cute guy walking by me, keeping pace.  He caught my gaze and said something in Czech.  I told him I don’t speak Czech and does he speak English?  He said he spoke hardly any English.  But I found out his name was Tony and we were able to communicate a little bit, even more when he pulled out his tablet and used Google Translate.  We walked around and visited the light shows.  He was very sweet and offered me his arm.  When it was time to go home, he asked to see me again and I gave him my number.